Chapter 2: Who Or What Is Stealing Your Audience?

Welcome to the second instalment in our new series on making your events shine!

Let it be known: keeping your audience engaged in a virtual or hybrid event is a challenge. And that’s because there are so many distractions that can prevent you from deep engagement and delegate retention. So what are the challenges that can interrupt or facilitate your delegates from immersive engagement?

1. Firstly, the quality and nature of your content is what hooks and holds your audience’s attention. If your content is not at the level it should be, you can expect a drop-off
2. Your approach to virtual and hybrid events might not take into account the importance of integration between knowledge and participants. Your hybrid or virtual event needs to introduce networking opportunities to bridge that digital divide.
3. Delegates who are not present physically are being distracted on- and offline. And there’s the rub…

Let’s Get Real

You probably didn’t know this but, whether it’s a tangible distraction or a mindset shift that’s required, your event is working against a lot to vie for your audience’s attention. We’ve done the research, asked the right questions and been told that:

• A very large proportion of participants are simply tired of online calls
• An equally large percentage are tech dinosaurs and just don’t have the know-how to how-to
• Participants don’t always know and appreciate the value of online events
• Virtual events don’t necessarily generate the same amount of revenue (but we’re going to give you the facts to help you change all that)
• Participants don’t always equate the value of a virtual event with that of an in-person attendance
• The success of the event is primarily dependent on the quality of the internet connection
• Branding differentiation between virtual events is often a challenge
• The infrastructure isn’t always available for a successful virtual or hybrid event

With so much stacked against you, how can you win your audience?
That’s where we come in.
We specialise in making the online and hybrid event space sleek, professional and efficient.
There’s a science to it.

Contact us to make your event a success.