GABS – German African Business Summit

Event Name:
German African Business Summit

Where & When
SCC, December 2022

To kick off the planning process, we established an online registration system using our own RSVP software. This facilitated the efficient collection of vital delegate information such as contact details, dietary restrictions, and any other pertinent data. In order to incentivise early registration, we provided discounted rates for those who registered before a specific deadline. Furthermore, we conducted rigorous testing to ensure that the registration system was user-friendly and free of technical glitches that could inconvenience our delegates.

Onsite Check-In:
On the day of the event, we set up a streamlined check-in process to make sure that everything ran smoothly. We used a barcode scanning system to quickly check delegates in, which reduced wait times and helped to avoid any long queues.
We also had a dedicated team of staff on hand to assist with any issues or questions that delegates had. This helped to ensure that everyone felt welcome and that their needs were being met.

Overall, the registration process for our event with 700 delegates was a great success. By using an online registration system, providing support to our speakers, and setting up a streamlined check-in process, we were able to ensure that everything ran smoothly and that our delegates had a great experience. If you’re planning an event, taking these steps can help to ensure that your registration process is as stress-free as possible.

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