Chapter 3: Pre-event Preparation
Building The Foundations For A Successful Virtual Event

It All Starts With A Plan

Giving yourself enough time for planning means you’ll have enough time to plan your audience’s level of engagement. Start with engagement in mind and think of ways to bring your delegates closer to you. A longer lead time gives you a chance to build anticipation with your community.
How do you do this?

Plan your content

Which topics would your audience like to hear about? What are the burning conversations that need to be had?

Plan your format

What approach will you adopt? Will it be a fireside chat or keynote address? Will you include a product demo or a case study? Do you have time for a moderated panel discussion? Do you require networking opportunities?

What depth are you prepared to go to?

Consider what stage of the sales funnel your delegates find themselves in. how deep can or should your content delve to keep your audience engaged? Make sure you know and understand your target audience inside and out so you can tailor the appropriate content to be at the appropriate level.

What’s your goal?

Are you generating leads or selling? Is it a public or invitation-only event?

Promote Your Virtual Event

You need to promote your virtual event in all the digital playgrounds that your target audience hangs out in. That means finding the relevant social networks, the right forums, the appropriate blog platforms and straight into the inboxes that matter. Then, those prospects need to be routed back to your event website where you can seal the deal and turn them into attending delegates.

Make it easy for delegates to register.
Make it easier to run high quality events that you can improve continuously through the use of high tech.

That’s where we come in.
We specialise in making the online and hybrid event space sleek, professional and efficient.
There’s a science to it.

Contact us for your event options.