Chapter 1: Attract. Engage. Retain.

Welcome to our new series on making your events shine!

Who’s This Series For?

This series has been developed exclusively for event professionals, marketing managers and event executives who are responsible for the execution and continuous improvement of hybrid and virtual events. It can be used by agencies and corporates, to improve the quality of the event experience. If you want to make your virtual or hybrid event more efficient and more professional, this series is for you.

In this six part series we will uncover the tactics and strategies you need to navigate your way through the dynamism of the virtual event space, beating your competition and remaining front of mind and in sight of your audience.

Engagement. It Matters – More Than You Think

In years gone by, a “successful event” would have been defined by an event’s ability to attract an audience. In fact, the number of registrations alone would have been the metric most interesting to event professionals, and the anchoring metric of success. High attendance used to be the secret ingredient for a successful event. But recent research shows us that unless your event can engage and retain your delegates, we can’t quite brand it a success. Retaining that delegate is where the true value lies.

And The Most Valuable Indicator of Success Is…

According to research conducted by Eventscase, 49% of marketers admit that audience engagement is the most important factor in determining the success of an event. Yes, that’s just a smidge under half the sample, and the reason for that is, in the context of the virtual environment, your event is up against some strong competition. Your delegates’ concentration is the target of a number of digital options, all vying for your delegates’ attention. Today the secret ingredient is your event’s ability to engage and retain your audience long after delegates have left the virtual space.


Our next post is going to show you what your competition really is in the virtual and hybrid spaces, and what you can do to help delegates focus and turn them into loyal customers.

Event Options specialises in efficient event registration solutions, seamless onsite check in, the selection & smooth implementation of your virtual event platform. Contact us for professional assistance with your next virtual conference.